How to change cost center in SAP - TCodesee | KS02 SAP tcode for - Change cost center – tcodesee


How to change cost center in SAP - TCodesee

SAP-cost center in sap - TCodesee

KS02 SAP tcode for - Change cost center - tcodesee

Step 1. To Change Cost Center Enter KS02 in command filled  box in SAP and direct change window opened and changed cost

Step 2.using the following menu path for Create new Cost center in sap    KS02

Accounting ® Controlling ® Cost Center Accounting ® Master Data ® Cost Center ® Individual Processing ® Change KSO2

Step 3. Using the screen flow for create a new cost center in sap

Individual processing

This process is used to change Cost Center

Cost Center is usually change because correction in cost category.

Perform this procedure to change cost center.

Cost center must be created.

SAP Editing Cost Center Tcodes - tcodesee   Screen Flow

KS02 SAP tcode for - Change cost center – sapcoo

Double-click Accounting tree item.

Double-click Controlling tree item.

Double-click Cost Center Accounting tree item.

Double-click Master Data tree item.

Double-click Cost Center tree item.

Double-click Individual Processing tree item.

Double-click KS02 - Change tree item.

Screen Flow 2

You have successfully change cost center in sap

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